Consignment Buyer Fees window


Use this window to establish additional fees you want buyers to pay for consigned items to cover your administrative costs. These fees are paid by the person buying the consigned item, not by the consignor.

Buyer fees are typically small fees. They can be set at the category level, on this window, and can be overridden as you enter inventory. If you choose to use buyer fees, AIMsi automatically adds the fee onto the price when you create inventory tags. For example, if your price for a shirt is $5.00 and the category of the shirt has a buyer fee of $0.50, the price on the inventory tag is $5.50 and the price the buyer pays is $5.50. Reports will show a sale price of $5.00 with a separate line for buyer fees ($.50). Consignment fees are calculated on the base price ($5.00) not the selling price ($5.50).

To access this window

Complete one of the following to access this window.


The following thumbnail illustrates the Consignment Buyer Fees window. Click it to view a full-size image.

Consignment Buyer Fees window

Item descriptions